Årets FavoritBirger koras i september under Höstmarknadaden i Östersund.
Vinnarna i röstningstävlingen presenteras här på webben och kontaktas per telefon.
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Se vad du kan vinna
Tack för din röst!
Årets Finaste Drake koras i samband med Stenstansdagarna den 5 september 2015.
Under prisceremonin avslöjar vi även vinnarna bland er som röstat samt vinnarna i Instagramtävlingen.
För att delta i Instagramtävlingen måste du fota dig eller en kompis vid en drake & tagga #JAGMÖTTESUNDSVALSDRAKEN
Lycka till!
Se vilka priser ni kan vinna >>
Thanks for your vote!
”This year’s Birch” is featured on this Web first week of September. The winners of the poll by telephone.
Good Luck!
Tack för din röst!
”Årets Finaste Gävlebock” koras i samband med Å-draget 4-6 september. Vinnarna bland er som röstat kontaktas per mejl eller telefon.
Lycka till!
Här är priserna du har möjlighet att vinna >>
Thanks for your vote!
”This year Kåre Bock” presented at the awards ceremony taking place at Falun Autumn Fair on 25/8 the central Falun.
During the awards ceremony, we reveal the winners even among those who voted.
Good Luck!
Here are the prizes you can win >>
Vote for your favorite kite, you have the chance to win the following prizes:
1st prize:
– Air travel ToR Sundsvall-Bromma from Sundsvall flights (value approximately £ 2,000)
— 4 pieces. Lunch coupons restaurant Invito (value approx 400)
— Mini Dragon (value approx: 350 kr)
2nd prize
– Prsentkort ICA Supermarket 500 kr
— 4 pieces. Lunch coupons restaurant Invito (value approx 400)
— Mini Dragon (value approx: 350 kr)
3rd Prize
– Free practice on Sportsgym in 2 weeks (value 300r)
— 4 pieces. Lunch coupons restaurant Invito (value approx 400)
— Mini Dragon (value approx: 350 kr)
4th prize
– 2 pcs. Lunch coupons restaurant Invito (worth about $ 200)
— Water bottles from Mid Sweden Water (worth about $ 100)
— Mini Dragon (value approx: 350 kr)
Sept. 6 race ”Net Drake ”
This year’s Dragon ”crowned during Stenstan days September 6.
Voting runs until September 3.
The awards ceremony is a collaboration with Stone Town Days are held September 5 to 6 in Stone Town. Please come by and see when the ”Year Drake” conditional and testing of fun activities.
During the awards ceremony, we reveal the winners even among those who voted.
Vote for your favorite leaves so you have a chance to win the following prizes:
1st prize:
– Gift on Cnet (worth 300 kr)
— Travel Toiletry Bag
2nd prize
– Travel Toiletry Bag
— First Aid Kit 3rd prize – Travel Toiletry Bag
”This year’s Birch ”
The voting will continue until the 31/8.Vinnanrna in voting by telephone. Winners leaf disclosed on our website and the sculpture also get a vinnarplankett.
Rösta på din Favoritbock och du har chans att vinna följande priser:
1:a pris:
– 1 st Onlineprenumeration, Arbetarbladet
— — 1 dag för hela familjen, valfri destination, Barnens Hälsingland
— — 2 st. Inträdesbiljetter, Prins Daniles Lopp 2016, Gävletravet
— 1 st. Mini Bock
— 1 st. Mini Bock MålarKit
2:a pris
— 1 st. Onlineprenumeration, Gefle Dagblad
— — 2 st inträdesbiljetter till Furuvik
— 1 st. Mini Bock
— 1 st. Mini Bock MålarKit
3rd prize
— 2 st. Frukostbuffé på Elite Hotel Gävle
— 1 st. Mini Bock
— 1 st. Mini Bock MålarKit
”This year Gävle Bock ”
Röstningen håller på fram till 1 september 2015.
”Årets Finaste Gävlebock” koras i samband med Å-draget 4-6 september. Vinnarna bland er som röstat kontaktas per mejl eller telefon.
Vote for your favorite kåre buck before the 16/8 for your chance to win the following prizes:
1st prize:
– Gift on any study group from Study Promotion (value: 800-2000 SEK)
— Gift from Victuscella (value: 1000 kr)
— 2 entrance tickets to Falun Mine (value: 380 kr)
— 2 pcs Mini Kåre Trestles from Falun Mine (worth 700 kr)
— Målarkit Kåre Bock (value: 280 kr)
2nd prize
– Gift on any study group from Study Promotion (value: 800-2000 SEK)
— Gift from Victuscella (value: 1000 kr)
— 2 pcs Mini Kåre Trestles from Dalarna Museum (worth 700 kr)
— Målarkit Kåre Bock (value: 280 kr)
3rd prize
– Gift from Victuscella (worth 250 kr)
— 2 entrance tickets to Falun Mine (value: 380 kr)
— Gift from ICA (Value 300 kr)
— 2 pcs Kåre Trestles from Falu IK (worth 700 kr)
— Målarkit Kåre Bock (value: 280 kr)
4th prize
– Gift from Victuscella (worth 250 kr)
— 2 pcs Kåre Trestles from Falu IK (worth 700 kr)
— Målarkit Kåre Bock (value: 280 kr)
Winners will be announced at the awards for ”Best Kåre Bock 2012″ to be held in conjunction with Falu Autumn Fair on 25/8. Winners will also be contacted by phone.